To ensure the property is used responsibly, every member and their guests must adhere to the posted Code of Conduct rules. These have been developed alongside residents of the Deer Ridge community, and are designed to keep people and property safe! Please keep them in mind as you enjoy the premises:
  1. Deer Ridge Trails are open from 7:30 AM to 9:00 PM
  2. Use of trails is at your own risk.
  3. Trail use is restricted to registered members of Deer Ridge Club only.
  4. Children under the age of 12 and all guests must be accompanied by a registered adult member of Deer Ridge Club.
  5. No overnight camping or open fires are permitted.
  6. Please clean up responsibly after your pet – doggie poop bags are available at each trail head, and trash respectables are located around the premises as well.
  7. No littering or dumping of trash is permitted.
  8. No firearms or motorized equipment is permitted.
  9. No glass bottles or containers are allowed.
We are eager to improve the appearance and use experience of the property, and have a pending application that will permit us to create more amenities and beauty. If you have any ideas, suggestions or questions about this plan, please get in touch!