Twenty years ago, the Deer Ridge Country Club and Golf Course was developed as a public amenity for a suburban neighborhood of some 1,000 homes at the outskirts of Brentwood, California.
The Land
The Story of the

The Beginning

The project attracted a wide range of new homeowners, golf players and other outdoor enthusiasts, charmed by the opportunity of a healthy lifestyle in a centrally located community midway between the tech centers of Silicon Valley and California’s capitol Sacramento.

The Closure

In 2019, it became clear that the high operating costs of a public golf course with limited attendance and unsupported by any homeowner fees or other external revenue streams was economically unsustainable. Deer Ridge Country Club and Golf Course had to close in late 2019.

New Management

The owners sought the assistance of the World Business Academy, a nonprofit thinktank focused on clean energy and sustainable solutions to climate change.

New Ownership

In 2021, the Academy took ownership and control of the project with the objective to develop a new “business model” for the property.

New Business Models

Deer Ridge will be transformed in an innovative project of clean energy and sustainable land stewardship.

The Deer Ridge Demonstration Project

The community and nature will thrive based on the inspiring combination of the clean energy innovation of the fuel-cell supported microgrid, organic vineyards and olive groves around a first class restaurant experience.
The Covid19 pandemic has accelerated a trend that is rapidly changing the way we live and work. Our society is moving away from long commutes and traffic jams as businesses are learning to collaborate remotely. As a result, more and more people will look for opportunities to enrich their lifestyle with a more healthy, outdoor, natural experience.
The Covid19 pandemic has accelerated a trend that is rapidly changing the way we live and work. Our society is moving away from long commutes and traffic jams as businesses are learning to collaborate remotely. As a result, more and more people will look for opportunities to enrich their lifestyle with a more healthy, outdoor, natural experience.