world business academy presents

The Deer Ridge
Sustainability Project

Deer Ridge will be transformed in an innovative project of clean energy and sustainable land stewardship – the Deer Ridge Sustainability Project.

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In addition to the introduction of the first sustainable fuel cell supported microgrid in the U.S, the rolling hills of the defunct golf course will be turned into a landscape where walking trails will wind through organic vineyards, olive groves and lavender fields supporting what people brought to Deer Ridge at the start: their love of the outdoors.
In line with the natural beauty of the environment, the Deer Ridge Sustainability Project aims to show that modern microgrid technologies can be aesthetically pleasing. Deer Ridge will show that the future of sustainable energy will bring autonomy to communities and that saving the planet does not require concessions to beauty or bad economics.
To facilitate the important “meeting of minds” to drive innovation forward, Deer Ridge will offer a first-class restaurant. The restaurant will be led by an outstanding chef, and will grow its own “farm to fork” produce in an organic “chef’s garden” on a few acres of the property.